Friday, September 15, 2006

In Christ...

What does it mean to be in Christ? Is it one of those numerous intelligent sounding phrases that people use everyday but hardly anyone knows its meaning?
I have been pondering on this fact for a while. If I am to live my life in Christ, what implications does it hold for my everyday life.
But firstly, what does it mean anyway? If I am in Christ, I should know who Christ is.

For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. Colossians 2:9

In Christ lies the fullness of the Godhead, in bodily form. Yikes!!! I hadn’t expected so much, giving complete expression of the divine nature. And we are in that Christ. We have been born anew in the life of Christ, and therefore, in Him, we have been made complete with the authority of our original purpose [Col 2:10].
What had to be achieved has already been achieved in me so all I have to do is be what I am and this being itself will have greater consequences rather than me trying to do stuff to be of support to Christ. His life in me is enough to turn the world up side down and as some of our wise teachers say, right side up.
In Christ is therefore, not a doing state, it is a being state. We don’t have to struggle again and again to overcome the sinful principles of this world rather we have to be in Christ and all the struggles will have to flee as the sinful principles of this world will stand defeated and publicly displayed once again as they did on that day at Calvary.
But how do we exhibit this being in Christ? Well…that’s for the next post…

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