Friday, September 01, 2006

I know its been ages since my last post but well….

Yesterday, I had a fun but gruelling day at work, fun because my dad and sister had come up for some time and I had a great lunch with them and gruelling because I had to work really hard apart from taking a lecture at the Bible college here. I am doing mission of the church right now and I was talking about it in relation to the Church being a sent Body.
The whole afternoon was spent in front of the laptop typing away legal letters and really cool preaching notes. My head was reeling by the end of my work day but as soon as my boss, our apostle left and I was about to leave I was suddenly filled anew with the joy of the Lord. It was amazing!! I simply put of some worship music and sang away with all my heart!!
Honestly, being in the will of God is great. If he commissions us to do anything, he strengthens us to do the same and now as I sit, tired as I am, I couldn’t be happier in any other place.
Praise God, home is where the will of God is and rest is where the will of God is!!

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