Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I read the Bible because...

If you speak the magic words of the title within any SOTW student's earshot, you are bound to get great attention. Yes, thats the subject we've been tackling for the last few weeks and have to submit our essays on thursday.
I have been a very good girl and am already done with my essay so here's to all of you, any thoughts on why you read the Bible....

1 comment:

Chris Hamer-Hodges said...

* To receive faith. (Without faith it is impossible to please God, and faith comes by hearing the word of God.)

* To relate to God (Any good relationship is based on communication, and our relationship with God is no different. We cannot relate to someone we don't listen too. It is through his word and his Spirit that God continues to speak to us.)

* To readjust my life. (The word of God is like a mirror that shows us how we really are before God. This is not to condemn us, but that through his gradual process of grace we can be transformed ever more like our Lord Jesus.)

* To reject falsehood (To counter the lies of the enemy you have to know the truth - all of it! Then we will not be immature and tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine.)

* To release power! (The word is the sword of the Spirit. It is our weapon against the enemy and his schemes. It is by standing on the promises in faith, and not giving up that we will receive the promises and grow in our gift and anointing.)

* To restore the kingdom! (The word is our blueprint for God's kingdom growth in the earth through the church. We must be careful that we build according to the pattern, so that what we bring on earth is "as it is in heaven")