Thursday, April 20, 2006

Daddy knows everything!!

Hope nobody has missed me too much. After all it was only three days!!I had a great time in Nuneaton, as always... and guess what, I had a 'daddy knows everything' moment on Wednesday.
Michael [Jacqueline's three year old son] and I were playing with a dinosaur puzzle and it had a dinosaur in the water. None of us had any bright ideas about what it was called so Michael christened[is that allowed?] it 'the swimming one'. A few minutes later Jacqueline was talking to Chris on the phone and she casually posed the question regarding the swimming dinosaur. I automatically almost went "Oh come on...!!" but surprisingly enough without a moment's delay daddy did have an answer "Plesiosaurus!!!" [the spelling is correct, my posts are well-researched]. Honestly, I couldnt believe, he recalled such a fact from memory...I should say [about my dad too] they just seem to know everything!!
And if human dads can be so all knowing, well, what about the heavenly one???

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