Sunday, January 14, 2007


If I should quit before my work is done,
The work commissioned by God’s only son,
How could I stand before Him on that day?
How could I face Him, and what would I say?

If I should quit- just drop out of the race,
I wonder if someone would take my place?
And would I cause a Christian friend to fall,
Or some unsaved one to reject God’s call?

If I should quit, how could I face myself?
And lay so many Scriptures on the shelf?
A quitter or a conqueror I can be,
And God has left the choosing up to me!

- Dolores Smeeton

Taken from Heroes of the Faith; Assemblies of God, Division of Foreign Missions, Springfield, 1990.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great quote Anna.

Wishing you a happy new year and God's glorious blessings all the way.

Nice bursting into your blog-site through Chris Hodges' blog.

Trust you are fine and doing great in the LORD.