Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Last Lesson

We studied a short story in high school 'The Last Lesson' wherein the French teacher teaches French the last time before he has to leave for the German teacher to come in.
Though God never stops teaching us, in the context of the Bible College essays, I finished my last essay today. It seems so surreal as it seems just yesterday that all of us undertook this voyage of six essays [and it was one!!]. and yet, God has taught me so many things through these essays, and the last one is on 'Authority' and it couldnt have been better!
I looked at Christians as a Godly Authority in this world. And writing and studying it has blown my mind away. What a great God we serve and what privilege that he lifts us up to his greatness and stature. More than ever, I am now convinced and determined to go into the world as a Son of this Almighty God.
I know who my King is.

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