Sunday, April 01, 2007

I am back again...i know i have used this title too many times

I had promised all of you a steady flow of regular posts once I get back to Ahmedabad and now that I have, I thought I would begin right now.

Its 2 am right now and I am supposed to be asleep but didnt want to for no reason so here I am. God spoke to me about fruitfulness through Isa 66:9 lately and do wait patiently for a little while and I will have a cool post ready for you.

As regards updates, as I said I am back in Ahmedabad. The academic year of the Bible college is over so I am done with my first batch of students. Cant believe its all over.

I am in Ahmedabad also to be a better support to the Church over here as we are focusing of the same this year especially. We have had to move from our previous meeting place already because of lack of space. God is moving and we're preparing to harness the move of His Spirit. Do pray for me that I prove to be a sharp weapon in my King's hands. It's time to move again and I am feeling the same butterflies in my stomach that such times of transition bring but cant wait for the whole picture to get crystal clear.

So be good and patient and there's really cool post on its way for you shortly...

1 comment:

judith said...

It's good to read that you are doing well. Will be praying for you. Much love Ju