Sunday, October 15, 2006

And the lights came on...

This post has been long overdue but better late than never.
This is about something cool that happened at this last Wednesday fellowship that we had.
After the worship was over and one of our elders, Justin, stood up to speak, there was a power cut and everything went dark. Being around eight in the evening you wouldn’t expect anything less. But, Justin exhorted us and we decided to sing and worship God and spoke in faith that before we finished the song, the lights would come on.
And as we sang, and reached the second stanza, the lights did come on!! Hallelujah!! We can experience God’s presence in all circumstances!


Cameron said...

Very Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna - I can't find your email so I'll ask here - Did Justin's wife have a baby boy or girl?

Anonymous said...

even the winds obey Him then what is electricity. Praise the Lord because He is God even over technology

Anna Sacha said...

sorry for the delay in reply...its a boy!! and they have named him Isaac