Friday, December 09, 2005


A really big sorry for all who have come on my blog these few days and found nothing new. Actually these few days I have been trying to get my head around 'The Kingdom of God does not consist in not words but power'. It is such a massive topic, I dont really know what to add and what to leave. Anyway, if you have some amazing insight into it and the essay title really captured you, you can write 5000 words on it and send it to me within two days. I will definitely oblige you by giving my approval.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so go right ahead!!!!


Gavin White said...

“It should be the desire and goal of every Christian to gain Christ’s Perspective on the Church’s role on earth and in society today. There is no higher issue today than the nature of the Church of Jesus Christ and her mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God throughout the nations of the earth” - Charles Simpson

I love this quote about the Church and the Kingdom - The qualities and life that we see in the Godhead is the standard for our lives in the Church and ambassadors of the Kingdom.

The life of the Kingdom is a reflection of the life of the Godhead. God’s Kingdom existed within the Godhead even before creation; for within the Trinity, there was government and order, authority and submission, unity and love. When God made man in his own image, he gave them a creational mandate - INCREASE, RULE AND MULTIPLY - God’s Kingdom Purpose, this Original Intention was shown in the opening pages of scripture in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 1:26-28 we see this articulated:

Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it

The Kingdom is present whenever and wherever men and woman submit their lives to God’s Authority Donald B. Kraybill

Also the three words of Kingdom, Kingdom, Kingdom reminds me of the three word statements that Peter was involved in with Jesus before and after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Gavin White said...

Happy Essay Writing!!

Anna Sacha said...

thanks for that elaborate comment. Was a great help. and i was wondering if you could send me your email id. that would be really great.