Friday, May 25, 2007

Wedding done with..

So the wedding's done with now. My sister's off to start a completely new phase of her life and we have been left behind once again with this weird feeling of complete blankness which usually occurs when one has focussed all attention on the accomplishment of a goal and then as soon as one accomplishes it,it is like, now what?
But now what for me because I have loads of stuff to do. I have decided that it is time I finish my Masters degree so I will stay in Ahmedabad now and complete it. I will continue my work in Nadiad so it will be a little bit of a rush though I am sure its going to be exciting.
Lately, I have started taking lessons in the keyboard and have learnt from the beginning itself how important regular disciplined practice is. For all of you who know me well, I'd rather sit six hours together and complete an assignment than sitting for an hour for six days. Same has been the case with spending time in prayer and waiting on God but I know very well their importance in Kingdom life and I think its time to gird myself up and get back on track.
Do pray for me for the same.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quick update

My elder sister [ I have three elder sisters, this is the second one] is getting married tomorrow, part of the reason you havent seen hardly any posts lately. But I got some time out to post this quick one for all of you.

Do pray for the wedding that everything goes smoothly and all of us have a great time. Every wedding brings the Ultimate Wedding to our mind of how one day our Ultimate Mr. Right is going to come for His beautiful triumphant bride in all splendid glory. What an amazing day that is going to be!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

As he grew...

Thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fail. 1 Sam 3:19

This verse encouraged me greatly this week. I have been reading about Samuel's life and how he spent most of his time in the Temple in the presence of God. He was passionately doing what he had been born to do even though he didnt know all about God's plan for his life. Infact he wasnt even aware of how God's voice would sound like [sounds like many of us who have doubts about hearing from God] but because he had a genuine heart attitude God spoke to him and created the provision that he needed, to go ahead in the destiny God had in store for him.
The amazing thing that the 19th verse states is that God didnt let any of his words fail. He wasnt perfect, but he was growing and God didnt shame him ever, infact He took care that none of his words failed. Thats our Father who is interested in every detail and phase of our life.